Hair and Health’s community studio space, Crofton, MD

As a land-less organization, we have to find spaces to gather. We can’t solely rely on public spaces like libraries because space is limited, very competitive and thus not always available at convenient times. There are several beautiful parks within the communities that we live and serve however at at the mercy of Mama Nature for favorable weather, insect, and pollen conditions. We are grateful for the support from privately owned businesses that allow us to rent gathering space and look forward to operating an enBloom Site for wellness programming and land to grow where we can properly store equipment and become a space that the community looks forward to not only visiting, but using for their own programming .

The Spaces We Gather

Hair and Health’s community studio in Crofton, MD.

The Busch Annapolis Library, Annapolis, MD

Crofton Park, Crofton, MD